More reasons to Tan Responsibly!

Monday, March 27, 2017

More reasons to Tan Responsibly!

A pair of Washington, D.C. dermatologists suggest a number of reasons to get some moderate sun exposure every day, in a recent article from Some of the benefits Dr. Brian Dixon and Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi list are not the ones we most commonly hear about: healthy hair, improved mood, strong teeth and healthy skin.

Here are some excerpts from the article:

  • “To maintain healthy hair, Dr. Tanzi says it’s important to get the proper levels of vitamin D every day. Dr. Dixon explains that vitamin D is actually found inside the follicles of healthy hair, but is absent from follicles of unhealthy hair.”
  • “Another thing vitamin D helps with is improving your mood, says Dr. Dixon. So if your stress levels are a little high, go outside for a few minutes.”
  • “There are only so many ways that you can get stronger teeth once you’re an adult, and tending to your vitamin D intake is one of them,” says Dr. Dixon.
  • “According to Dr. Dixon, some studies have shown that vitamin D can help protect the skin from the sun’s damaging effects, keep inflammation under control, and even help with cell renewal and tissue repair. And if that’s not a reason to catch a few, quick rays, I don’t know what is.”

Click here to read the entire article from